Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Transforming REHub

Salam SEM06,

Above is a rough idea of REHub. Transformation, Flexibility, Transportability, Practicality and Beauty are vital elements in your design.

Lets Roll Out!

Questions, Comment? BM BI??



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. tq drn for those very inspiring images...hopely all students will get some ideas on how to start your own design....

    p/s: forgot about the 'transformers fever' going on these few weeks...

  3. tq dr nana..
    Sy dah dpt sedikit idea utk projek rehub..
    sekarang nk cuba jadikan idea lbih menarik..
    klu nk di ikutkn, projek ni lebih kepada kabin atau kontena yg boleh di'transform' dari sebuah kotak kecik menjadi suatu ruang yg lebih besar dan selesa..

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. "TRANSFORMERS : dark of the moon" one of reference yang akan mengempakkan lagi projek anda..hahaha..

  6. this is something i'm looking for ;))

  7. I think this project is more than just designing a hub. its an idea of making that design moveable and collapsible. which is one of the challenging task.and i really think we need to get outside of the box, and even move far away from it. One must look at it more than just a contena or any kind of transportation. just for suggestion, the best idea to get is from origami, how a piece of a paper can be folded and form new feature. there is also buildings that are built by using the same principles.. folding

  8. http://www.greenlaunches.com/other-stuff/shipping-container-cum-solar-powered-restaurant.php
    >>kat laman sesawang nie mungkin kOrang boleh dapat sOme idea.. =)
