Saturday, July 16, 2011

Perbincang 1: Think Like a Designer!

Salam SEM06,

Baca dan bincang mengenai perkara dibawah. Markah bonus akan diberi pada mereka2 yang memberi pandangan/soalan/komen. Tarikh tutup perbincangan adalah 27/07/11.

OK, Something here for all of us who enjoys doing design:. I found this 10 rules on the web and you can download them if you like from:
Click on the "Think like a designer" slide to see the 10 tips in slide format on — feel free to use them if you like.)

The 10 rules are as follows:

(1) Embrace constraints Constraints and limitations are wonderful allies and lead to enhanced creativity and ingenious solutions that without constrains never would have been discovered or created. ...There's no point complaining about constraints such as time, money, tools, etc. Your problem is what it is. How can you solve it given the resources and time that you have? (Gunakan apa yang ada untuk menyelesaikan masalah)

(2) Practice restraint. Any fool can be complicated and add more, it takes discipline of mind and strength of will to make the hard choices about what to include and what to exclude. The genius is often in what you omit or leave on the editing room floor. (Sering kali kita nak masukkan semua yang kita fikirkan dalam design kita, jangan overdo!)

(3) Adopt the beginner's mind. Designers understand the need to take risks, especially during early explorations of the problem. They are not afraid to break with convention. Good designers are open minded and comfortable with ambiguity early on in the process, this is how discoveries are made. (open mind)

(4) Check your ego at the door. This is not about you, it's about them (your audience, customer, patient, student, etc.). Look at the problem from their point of view -- put yourself in their shoes. This is not easy, it takes great amounts of empathy. Get in touch with your empathetic side. (Pentingkan pengguna rekabentuk anda dan bukan diri sendiri)

(5) Focus on the experience of the design. It's not the thing, it's the experience of the thing. This is related to #4 above: Put yourself in their shoes. How do people interact with your solution? (Selalu bertanya bagaimana orang ramai akan menggunakan rekabentuk anda)

(6) Become a master storyteller. Often it's not only the design — i.e., the solution to a problem — that is important, but the story of it. This is related to #5 above. What's the meaning of the solution? (Pastikan anda dapat menceritakn penyelesaian yang anda rekakan untuk orang ramai dengan jelas)

(7) Think communication not decoration. Design — even graphic design — is not about beautification. Design is not just about aesthetics, though aesthetics are important. More than anything, design is about solving problems or making the current situation a little better than before. Design is not art, though there is art in design. (Rekabentuk adalah sebenar penyelesaian kepada satu masalah, bukan hanya mencantikkan rekabentuk anda)

(8) Obsess about ideas not tools. Tools are important and necessary, but they come and go as better tools come along. Obsess instead about ideas. Though most tools are ephemeral, some of your best tools are a simple pencil and sketch pad. These are often the most useful — especially in the early stages of thinking — because they are the most direct. Good advice is to go analog in the beginning with the simplest tools possible.(Idea itu penting, bukan penggunaan teknologi semata-mata)

(9) Clarify your intention. Design is about choices and intentions, it is not accidental. Design is about process. The end user will usually not notice "the design of it." It may seem like it just works, assuming they think about it at all, but this ease-of-use (or ease-of-understanding) is not by accident, it's a result of your careful choices and decisions.(Fokus kepada masalah yang hendak diatasi)

(10) Sharpen your vision & curiosity and learn from the lessons around you. Good designers are skilled at noticing and observing. They are able to see both the big picture and the details of the world around them. Humans are natural pattern seekers; be mindful of this skill in yourself and in others. Design is a "whole brain" process. You are creative, practical, rational, analytic, empathetic, and passionate. Foster these aptitudes.(Pemerhatian itu penting kepada para designer)

OK, itu dia sepuluh perkara yang dikatakan penting untuk para designer. Saya tahu 10 perkara ini mungkin rumit untuk difahami. Walaubagaimanapun, Apa pendapat anda semua? Setuju/Tidak Setuju dengan 10 perkara ini??? Bincang/komen/pendapat???



  1. saya stju ngn pdpt nih wlu tdpt 2,3 pkre yg sye xfhm..cme bgi pelajar sprti saya,pde prgkat awal ssuatu projek amat sukar utk mdptkn idea,bila da fhm btoi,bru bleh mwjudkn idea..blh ker ssuatu idea itu kite dpt dlm mse sgkt??bgmne crenye??

  2. Memang susah kalau tak amalkan pemikiran kreatif. Semuanya datang dengan ketekunan dan kesabaran. Ideas are truly expensive. Keep on trying!


  3. brilliant! for me i think these 10 rules got my mind a huge impact. u c, as students these kind of things we practically do just because we think its the best way to get the idea.. its already a habit coz we didnt realize that what it does only get us faraway from the idea itself! so thanks to DrN who give us some 'punch' on the face so that we wake up from making the same mistakes.. some of the mistakes is when we're too obses on something, in hope that it could lead us to something big, but actually it only creates a barrier that keep us in the box..others is when we want to add up everything on the design to make them 'gempak' but in the end we are forgetting our place and our responsible as a designer for the users.. hmm.. yeah it happens all the time.. what i agreed on the most is designing is more about solving problems and issues.. its not about creativity alone that one could create something great... a designer cant be creative all day long.. so what actually leads to a great design is to understand the users needs, detect any problem and solve it, make it better for the future... thanks (^^,

  4. Yes, Designers live a unique life, i.e. How to balance beauty and practicality in everything they design. Good feedback, anyone else?


  5. sebangai student.. kita kena buat banyak research dan referent untuk dapatkn sesuatu idea.. dengan adanya bahan rujukan, x semestinya kita boleh ambil sesuatu design tu bulat2.. kita boleh hasilkan design yg lebih menarik dari rujukan yg kita ambil dengan mengubah fasad, penggunaan material dan sebagainya.. bg mereka yg kreatif mungkin tiada masalah untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yg interesting.. bg mereka yg kurang kreatif, mereka xperlu segan untuk mengambil idea dari bahan rujukan, kerana arkitek2 juga memcari bahan2 baru bg membantu mereka untuk mendapatkan idea2 bru.. kebanyakan idea saya diperolehi dari laman web byk bangunan2 yg menarik terdapat dalam web tersebut dan boleh dikatakan semua rekabentuk yg ada lebih kepada green building.. sesuai dengan slogan mereka iaitu 'design will save the world'..

  6. Yes, Creativity is a result of collaborative imagination. Ideas won't come to those in isolation (persendirian) , so be prepared to share your thoughts and inspiration.


  7. HALLOUU.. macam mana ya nak kuluar dari pemikiran yang tersekat.. kekadang rasa macam susah nak fikir satu benda baru..nak bukak otak ni dari kepompong tu agak sukar.. hehe..macam mana ya?

  8. salam...thanks DrN...input yg sgt2 berguna bgi sy untk merekabentuk...tpi sbagaimana Dr bincangkn pagi tdi...idea xkn dtg dgn mudah...sO, sy akn cuba buat yg t'baik dan temampu... =)

  9. Minat atau 'Passion' dalam bidang kita penting. Keep the passion warm. Find inspiration. Read and research for ideas. Architecture magazines, websites and books. Read, look and learn lots of stuff. If you have 'minat', that is what you should do. Then draw your ideas in a sketch book. Never stop thinking about your 'minat', it must drive your actions. That will increase your idea pool. Creative people never stop thinking about their work and ideas.


  10. permulaan untuk mndapatkan idea mmg sukar dan ianya b'kait dgn pmerhatian dan juga kdg2 terikat dgn form yg sdia ada...mmg memerlukan cara n daya pmikiran yg tinggi...

  11. mule2 saye mcburi bdg nih,mmg pyah nk bfkrn kreatif especially when we not always do a reseacrh..ble tgk idea org yg gmpak,mle ttnye,bgmne mrka dpt bfkrn bgtu..sbnrnye pe mrka wt,kitepn mmpu lakukn..sprti yg nik ktekn,btoi,utk bfkrn kreatif,prlu lbih byk wt research,ble xfhm,kite perlu lbih byk btanye tnpe ade rse sgan,krne adenye segan akan mhalang kite utk buat yang kawan2,da bape hari lagi nak submit,buat yg tbek n tnjukkan pde sume org,kite mmpu lakukan tbek.. =)

  12. often as a student (especially WE in gov college) has create some sort of typical thinking- 'just stay in the line' (or they pronounce it ' ikut jalan selamat jeh').. for me thats not a right way to think!! from over 1000 times failure thomas edison create a bulb,over 10'000 sketch leonardo come out with magnificent creation... which mean they walk with dare to fail attitude- true we cant just doing fail in every day of life but as a future designer me must at least let the failure (in other term ' experiment') teach us ,perfecting the way the brain thinking , refurnishing the way we process the output and so on... becoming a good designer also mean to take serious responsibility 360 degree around ,not to avoiding probs but to work with it...what i got in my brain every times i'm stuck in the middle of nowhere - i'l ask my self will the product that i create interact with NORMAL HUMAN BEING (mean people that can think normally except project for mental disorder person hahah) - if not than i know i just wasting my time .....chill out !!(thanks Doc)

  13. Good Comments so far, keep on thinking.


  14. design yang dulu-dulu kita dok conteng dalam sketch book rasakan tidak berguna atau xberapa nak boleh pakai tu sebenarnya amat berguna malah dapat memberi impak positif sampaikan satu tahap tu kita boleh design sesuatu yang luar biasa dari yang kita selalu design. Betol kata Dr... kalo anda x percaya try la tgok balik design lelama ataupon yg conteng2 kat tepi tu... mana nak tau kot bleh pakai..insyAllah denga izin boleh punya... try2..

  15. jgn takut untuk hasilkan sesuatu yg pelik2 atau di luar batas pemikiran manusia.. zaman sekarang x mustahil utk kita hasilkan rekabentuk yg bebas dari bentuk struktur bangunan yg biasa kta lihat.. dlu sya ada buat kajian berkenaan seorg arkitek muda yg berasal dri China iaitu Ma Yansong.. semua rekaaan bangunan yg dihasilkan oleh beliau agak menarik dan rekaan yg di buat bebas dari bentuk struktur bangunan seperti yg sy nyatakan di atas.. klu korang nk tgk hasil rekaan Ma Yansong jgn segan2 lawati link ni ye

    Antara prinsip Ma Yansong..

    'Design embraces the advent of a new era. It reflects the office's architectural exploration of contemporary art and the transformation of lifestyle and multimedia formats in contemporary Chinese cities. It's research concerning the integration of digital media into architectural design demonstrates a unique approach towards architecture.

    Dedicated to understanding and exploring flexibility and new possibilities inherent in simple and traditional functions, it enhances these by means of new organizations and logics - analyzing value, desire, culture, and political strength in contemporary China. By treating these vectors as fluid and dynamic presentations of contemporary life, structures are no longer isolated objects as defined in architectural modernity; they become natural and coherent components of human life and the urban environment.'

  16. dan jgn lupa apa yg telah dipelajari sewaktu di semester 2.. iaitu mengenai prinsip rekabentuk dan juga elemen2 rekabentuk.. dengan penyusunan eleman2 asas itu sy rsa sudah untuk membantu kta menghasilakn design yg menarik.. student ssh utk dapatkan idea baru kerana sering abaikan apa yg pernah mereka pelajari dulu.. jd, untuk tidak menyusahkn diri, cuba ingat balik apa yg pernah kta belajar dulu.. bak kata org dulu2 'tiada yg lama, maka tiadalah yg baru'.. :)

  17. err....nik (pendapat je ni)..tak salah pun design sampai tahap dasyat2..tapi ikut raliti seni bina tempatan kita .. hope Malaysian authorities can try to develop or gazed few area so that we can fully create even weirdo facade ever, the prob now is we were controlled by town planner- few area got their own jabatan perancang dan rekabentuk- the purpose is to control and create a guideline so that your building not to alien nor to vibrant then surround building, we are not the architect 500 years ago who sit on top of the pyramid huhuhu..but agree kalau kita dah dilengkapkan ngan ilmu n da membuat kajian termasuk safety, by-law...bla2..kita akan digelar hebat bila dapat mereka sebuah bangunan yang berfasad unik but still fulfill the building by-law requirement ...

  18. Yes, old sketches are important. Da Vinci made hundreds of small sketches. It help the designer to keep track of his designs. Never lose them, keep drawing and compiling your work. Have an interest: spaces, lighting, forms etc and research and sketch your ideas out.


  19. Assalamualaikum w.b.t

    Agak lame tidak menjengah blog ini.Kerinduan terpancar utk masuk semula ke studio..Membuat sketch on butter paper,mengolah idea,berkongsi idea,mempertahankan design yg direka,walaupun dikritik.Itulah cabaran dalam bidang ini..Trust me,bila kite dpt siapkan sesuatu projek,Kepuasan jelas terpancar...Merekabentuk adalah satu benda yang amat menyeronokkan...

    "Salam Ramadhan"

