Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Design Test: Submisson Requirements

Test 1: Ideas & Interpretation

Base on your own research you have to produce:

1. Plan(s) of your own space component with furniture layout ( You are allowed to propose more than ONE idea);

2. Section(s): X-X and Y-Y

3. Elevation(s)/ Facade(s) if any to compliment your perspective

4. Perspective (Minimum 3 perspective for each proposal either interior and/or exterior)

5. Detailing to show joints and materials (Minimum 3 details)

You are free to determine the scale of each drawing as long as it is easy to understand and read.

Completed work is to compile in A3 paper bonded properly. Remember, this test will represent your strengths and weaknesses but try to minimize your weaknesses. All the best! Insyaallah...

Submission: 28 February 2011 before 10.00am.

I apologize for the delayed...

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